爬走用英语怎么说 爬走的英语翻译


爬走用英语怎么说 爬走的英语翻译


1. Montrone, i know you're there. Don't try to crawl under the door.

2. i thought about waiting for him and letting him have it... but there was a good chance in my condition i might miss... so i decided to crawl away like a poisoned dog.

译文:我本来想在那等他 然后用枪打死他... 可是我当时的身体状况 我很可能会打不中... 我决定偷偷的爬走 像条中毒的狗。

3. Appears to be wounded, trying to crawl away.

4. crawl away from a hot needle, say.

5. She doesn't know. it kind of crawled away, didn't it?

6. Look, he must have crawled off the road or some-- well, don't just stand there, help me!

7. He thinks maybe wver he hit is still alive and crawled away.

8. The killer sees his victim still alive, trying to crawl away, so he drags him out of sight, finishes him off.




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