未用英语怎么说 未的英语翻译

未的英语为"  un",其次还可以说成"have not",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到26个与未相关的译文和例句。

未用英语怎么说 未的英语翻译

未的英语为"  un",其次还可以说成"have not",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到26个与未相关的译文和例句。

Ghost Unchained Melody Oh my love UnchaindeMelody ( 人鬼情未了 )

minor ims young person infant ( 未成年人 )

Principles of the Philosophy of the Future Principles of the Philosophy of the Future Grundästze de( 未来哲学原理 )

flash forward FlashFoward Flash forward Season ( 未来闪影 )

Meet the Robinsons Kids Of The Future Meet ( 未来小子 )

Sleepless in Seattle sleepless in AS TIME GOES BY ( 西雅图夜未眠 )

1. i haven't yet achieved that.

2. i'll be there in five minutes unstamped.

3. What does "she's alive but" mean? She's alive!

4. - "'in secret kept, in silence sealed...'" - " in silence sealed

译文:-"未说的秘密与未打破的沉默中" -..."'未打破的沉默中。

5. What's all this about Rebecca?

6. - Are you listening, lover boy?

7. i don't know your name yet?

8. Come here! How long have i known you, Manu?

9. - Ohh. [ Laughs ] You drive.

10. That is a negative impact.

11. still haven't figured it out?

12. They haven't seen anything.

13. Subtitles by SDi Media Group

14. "Alive but not living, dead but not departed."

15. A cuckoo said in my brain. Not yet. Not yet.





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