尖用英语怎么说 尖的英语翻译

尖在英语中的翻译是"sharp",还可以翻译为  apico,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到19个与尖相关的翻译和例句。

尖用英语怎么说 尖的英语翻译

尖在英语中的翻译是"sharp",还可以翻译为  apico,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到19个与尖相关的翻译和例句。

Tsim Sha Tsui Butterfly on Prat Planet Home Steik World Meats ( 尖沙咀 )

Obelisk guglia Cleopatra's Needle OBELISKS OF HATSHEPSUT ( 方尖碑 建 )

Rush Hour Streets of Moscow Begins Peak Time ( 尖峰时刻 )

Scream Shriek Scary Movie ( 惊声尖叫 )

acute accent Accent ague Accent Acute ( 尖音符 )

A Bite of Chinese Food A Bite of China Tasting China HD ( 舌尖上的中国 )

1. - Oh, yeah, they're the best. - They're the best.

2. Spiky hair -- spikier than this. Kind of orange hair.

3. The good stars, Pale helms and spiky spurs, Run away.

4. i said, pointy feet, not pointy words.

5. Shoo with your pointy heads.

6. Her eyes are sharp and nose is sharp.

7. ♪ Bumba dumba dum ♪ On our toes, right on your toes.

8. it was sort of pointed and it had real thin lips and, er, splayed over the bottom lip was, uh,

9. Okay. Well, they were nice. Pointy.

10. Acting on an anonymous tip,

11. Sharp nails and sharp words.

12. Sharp end is the business end.

13. They have pointed snouts and wet noses.

14. And try to stack up as much as possible.






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