听力检测用英语怎么说 听力检测英语翻译


听力检测用英语怎么说 听力检测英语翻译


2. Objective: Research on examination and significance of the auditory brain stem response ( ABR ) in non-hearing loss tinnitus patients.


3. Audiometer is an important instrument in otolaryngology clinic.

4. i hope that didn't cause any hearing loss.

5. Complete audiometric data were available in 51 cases.

6. Okay, so it's called The Listening Game,

7. Methods: The groups of different age were examined by extended high frequency audiometry .

8. Protect your ears? Yes, absolutely.

9. Measurement of hearing by means of an audiometer

10. Not really. But i do have good hearing.

11. -Just a hearing disability.

12. Elsie wears a hearing aid.

13. You're worried about your hearing at this point?

14. Methods The groups of different age were examined by extended high frequency audiometry.

15. "including impaired hearing and ataxia."





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