堃字用英语怎么说 堃字的英语翻译

堃字的英语是"grammatical word",还可以翻译为handover word,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到65个与堃字相关的释义和例句。

堃字用英语怎么说 堃字的英语翻译

堃字的英语是"grammatical word",还可以翻译为handover word,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到65个与堃字相关的释义和例句。

示例:♪ Y'all z is characters Not even good actors ♪ [Y' all z is characters Not even good actors]

1. proportional space characters(比例字宽字)

2. handover word(传递字, 转换字, 时间同步字语)

3. grammatical word([计] 文法字, 语法字)

3. - Well, the message is... is clear enough.

4. One word, payback. That's two words.

5. Don't tell him you can read

6. How about the word for the sea?

7. Then with a Zhui and See as the radical.

8. What, the writing on the wall?

9. Subs by pepe Exclusively for Cinemageddon

10. Scrunchy is not a word. Scrunchy is a word.

11. i'm looking at the characters!

12. And if i've been neglecting you, it won't happen again.

13. Dario. You were sleeping so peacefully i didn't want to wake you up!

14. You can't read words too? There are some words i can, and some words i can't.

15. Translation: Sionann O'Neill


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