宣和用英语怎么说 宣和的英语翻译

宣和的英语为"  Tryho",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到44个与宣和相关的短语释义和例句。

宣和用英语怎么说 宣和的英语翻译

宣和的英语为"  Tryho",在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到44个与宣和相关的短语释义和例句。

Promotion and Publicity ( 推广和宣传 )

declare the peace process dead ( 宣布和谈破裂 )

Education of Occupation Therapy ( 作业宣教和咨询 )

1. This is election propaganda.

2. it's no big deal, i told you!

3. From some Ministry of Culture and Propaganda or something.

4. Everybody, i got a good news!

5. This name is a foreign name. Are you Asuan Tung?

6. Delia started a war. He's striking back.

7. Napoleon has declared war... on Russia.

8. Greetings, Comrade Chenkov!

9. Okay, i hereby ounce you wife and wife.

10. it's a campaign of fear and consumption.

11. His Majesty summons Yang Lin for an immediate audience.

12. New arrest orders, sir. For Stauffenberg and Goebbels.

13. You misunderstand, Major. i didn't ask you here to sell me. i wanted you to sell the invasion.

14. - Gents, i'm declaring a break.

15. They announced a cease-fire.




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