蚁贼用英语怎么说 蚁贼的英语翻译

蚁贼用英语翻译为"stercorarius maccormicki",还经常被译作Stercorarius parasiticus,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与蚁贼相关的短语释义和例句。

蚁贼用英语怎么说 蚁贼的英语翻译

蚁贼用英语翻译为"stercorarius maccormicki",还经常被译作Stercorarius parasiticus,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与蚁贼相关的短语释义和例句。

1. stercorarius maccormicki(灰贼鸥;麦氏贼鸥;南极贼鸥;大贼鸥)

1. - Everyone has their place, Bala... you, the soldiers, the workers.

2. There are thieves on the grounds! Thieves!

3. A dream of a proud colony. A pure colony.

4. He's willing to live for the colony, to fight for the colony, to die for the colony.

5. - Why did i take up stealing?

6. Wang moved out of Changon. it's a good time to break them up.

7. Someone stole my jewels! Help!

8. Three New Species of the Genus Cataglyphis Foerster from Northwest China(Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae)


9. A new species of Liometopum Mayr from Gansu, China (Hymenoptera: Formicidae, Dolirinae)

10. Not fire ants. Please don't be fire ants.

11. - Them black-hearted, thieving...

12. - Thieves have their way; officials, too.

13. He said they had army ants.

14. Conclusion Keyixing powder could be used as the alternative of Mirex for termite control.

15. is that a camera on an ant?




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