推动工作用英语怎么说 推动工作英语翻译

推动工作的英语翻译是"starting work",还可以翻译为movable table,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到72个与推动工作相关的短语释义和例句。

推动工作用英语怎么说 推动工作英语翻译

推动工作的英语翻译是"starting work",还可以翻译为movable table,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到72个与推动工作相关的短语释义和例句。

1. i know, but if you were, you wouldn't have to pull K.P., or any other fatigue duty, for that matter.

2. Yes, we're starting next week.

3. Excellent job. That's the type of initiative we need.

5. We commence building next week.

6. there's water in the reservoir keeps supplying the water to the hydro turbine generators.

译文:水库里流动的水 带动涡轮发电机不停的工作 这些发电机自动工作。

7. You do know you're supposed to be working the floor, right?

8. The Summarization of the Research on the Relationship between Age and Brainwork Performance

9. i assume you're referring to the sea shanty.

11. They will start building next spring.

12. Dr. Wexler gave his okay for you to build.

13. We're gonna start before sunset.

14. They switch us on when we are trying to switch off.

译文:它们在我们试图下班休息时 强行让我们启动工作状态。

15. Educate the poor. Mobilize the workers.





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