不成用英语怎么说 不成的英语翻译

不成的英语是"  xue xia",还可以翻译为  won't do,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到11个与不成相关的译文和例句。

不成用英语怎么说 不成的英语翻译

不成的英语是"  xue xia",还可以翻译为  won't do,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到11个与不成相关的译文和例句。

Nothing can be accomplished without following norms and standards. ( 没有规矩 不成方圆 )

unpaired electron ( 不成对电子 电子 )

Mature be green immaturity juvenility ( 不成熟 )

Disproportional disproportionate incommensurate out of perspective ( 不成比例的 科技 )

out of proportion disproportion not to scale Non-Proportional ( 不成比例 )

What a coincidence Theres No Story wi Theres No Story without Coinci ( 无巧不成书 )

1. And if you don't finish it?

2. You worry and worry... Just find us a solution!

3. No. No, this place is far too small.

7. i don't suppose i'll ever be a general now.

8. Mr. Wai is pleaded not guilty.

9. - What do you think? We're beggin'?

10. it'll be too late to buy a toaster.

11. Blotches made without design.

12. Uh-oh ! JUNi: i can't hold on much longer!

13. Did she carry a wand next to her purse?

14. You can't paint your own face.

15. Why are you afraid of flying?





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