也有用英语怎么说 也有的英语翻译

也有在英语中的翻译是"as well as",还经常被译作  also have,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到36个与也有相关的翻译和例句。

也有用英语怎么说 也有的英语翻译

也有在英语中的翻译是"as well as",还经常被译作  also have,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到36个与也有相关的翻译和例句。

Wild Lily Also Has Spring Spring for Wild Lilies Spring of the Wild Lili ( 野百合也有春天 )

Life Also Has the Crooad ( 人生也有歧路 )

Beethoven Beethoven's 2nd ( 我家也有贝多芬 )

I feel the same That Makes Two of Us tell me about it I'll say ( 我也有同感 )

Every dog has his day ( 狗也有走的一天 )

I Just Want some ( 憧憬也有幻想也有 )

1. i've got a cheque of my own.

2. Poor men, rich men, leaders of the land

3. Rumoured to have made deals with terrorist syndicates.

4. - You're a fat lot of help.

5. My brother even had one So did mine.

6. There is a show over there, too!

7. You get them in the country? We have them in the city - roaches.

8. i'll also have registration, residence and property.

9. Reunited with the motherland.

10. Sleeping dogs here, sleeping dogs there.

11. i also have a car, or access to a car.

12. There's also one in Pampanga.

13. You've got a mother, Sarge has got a mother.

14. -Do you have astigmatism, too?

15. - The works. Cameras, too.




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