辉煌再续用英语怎么说 辉煌再续英语翻译


辉煌再续用英语怎么说 辉煌再续英语翻译


3. Stands a school With a magnificent high roof...

4. That we'll meet again in another lifetime

5. Even if i have to quit school for the time being to support myself,

6. ♪ And may its splendour never fade

7. The splendor of bygone days!

8. Picking up where we left off.

9. Well, then, we will continue this...

10. Fifty Years of Glorious, Will Be Continuing New Chapters in the New Centry

11. To a life without splendor

12. - And we must do it again and again.

13. A broken mirror can be fixed, but i'm afraid a broken brush can't be.

14. Ballsy, you are brilliant!

15. "at least he has it all on him."





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