昔拉用英语怎么说 昔拉的英语翻译


昔拉用英语怎么说 昔拉的英语翻译


2. Once i departed, carrying the woe of the willows.

3. How long have you been taking oxybutynin?

4. CONCLUSiON: Famciclovir compared with acyclovir in the treatment of herpes zoster has a rapid onset.


5. Said only part 戈尔贡佐拉 cheese

6. Objective To study the optimal synthetic technique of penciclovir.

7. Dynastat could even supersede morphine.

8. Objective: Verify the clinical effect of Ganciclovir Eye Drops.

9. "Thucydides's Trap" is a term i coined several years ago, to make vivid Thucydides's insight.

译文:“修昔底德的陷阱”是 我几年前发明的词, 以便生动地阐述 修昔底德的见解。

10. Celeib this with the sun, still sleepy arm is stacked.

11. Conclusion: interferon, thymosin and new nucleotide similitude are efficacious medicines.

12. Ganciclovir was effective for treatment of CMV infection.

13. Pharmacological actions and clinical applications of rifaximin

14. Don't slip, Captain. Your students are watching.

15. 戈尔贡佐拉 cheese flavor is the best selling




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