肺下界用英语怎么说 肺下界的英语翻译

肺下界在英语中的翻译是"lower bound",还网络中常译为"Tar's symptom",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到95个与肺下界相关的翻译和例句。

肺下界用英语怎么说 肺下界的英语翻译

肺下界在英语中的翻译是"lower bound",还网络中常译为"Tar's symptom",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到95个与肺下界相关的翻译和例句。

3. The Sectional Anatomy of The Lung and Pulmonary Hila.

4. They are not tombs... but stairs for the Gods, so they can come back down to earth.

5. in addition, lower bounds on correlation function of such sequence set are improved, a new lower bound, for those ZCZ sequences which don't meet lower bound, is presented.


9. He doesn't know the rules of Heaven. Forgive him, Your Majesty.

10. The ALD was the average CT value of the 3 zones of lung (including apical, hilus and diaphragm).


11. Don't forget your collapsed lung.

12. Uh, kidneys, spleen, lungs...

13. uh,kay.Um,your lungs sound good.

14. - No. These are the lungs.

15. The greatest lower bound of A is also called the infimum of A.




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