可想而知用英语怎么说 可想而知英语翻译

可想而知的英语翻译是"one can imagine",其次还可以说成"You can imagine.",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到42个与可想而知相关的短语释义和例句。

可想而知用英语怎么说 可想而知英语翻译

可想而知的英语翻译是"one can imagine",其次还可以说成"You can imagine.",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到42个与可想而知相关的短语释义和例句。

可想而知翻译为have a fair knowledge of...。

The children were predictably fractious.

One can imagine the tension ( 紧张时可想而知的 )

Result it can be imagined Predictable results ( 结果可想而知 )

1. You can imagine the levels of scrutiny.

2. And as a result, my photo library is a mess.

3. it is quite clear that no one wishes to stay in this fortress.

4. Can see her selected hardships, the degree of difficulty can be well imagined bigly .

5. The government want to extradite him home where he'll certainly be executed.

6. i can only imagine what Ford was thinking.

7. You could have knocked me down with a feather.

8. it was either incompetence or collusion.

译文:可想而知 要么是失职 要么是串通 It must be either incompetence or collusion. 串通。

9. To collect every digital transmission imaginable.

10. But you could see why i would take these charges of a gun drop with some sense of outrage.

11. Well, you can imagine how i felt.

12. i thought i had a very clear image of him as this very erudite lunatic.

13. The more conceivable candidate could be Cardinal Ebner from Germany.

14. You still haven't chosen a profession.

15. So as you can imagine, it started then.


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