双轮铣用英语怎么说 双轮铣的英语翻译

双轮铣在英语中的翻译是"up milling",还可以翻译为double round,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与双轮铣相关的释义和例句。

双轮铣用英语怎么说 双轮铣的英语翻译

双轮铣在英语中的翻译是"up milling",还可以翻译为double round,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与双轮铣相关的释义和例句。

3. i didn't have a bike when we used to live here either.

4. With it pinions can be machined with hob or single-tooth indexing, also can with shaft cut-in and radial cut-in method.


5. Used for milling processing of the profile bending parts of aluminum curtain wall.

6. Then the chariots and horses.

7. The nose unit is twin-wheeled and retracts rearward.

8. it's got two extra wheels on the back part of it.

9. fortune has been kind to you , then ? your tilbury , your groom , your clothes , are not then hired.


10. Compared with high speed wet turning and milling with aqui-coolant showering, the ceramic. Tool is of even higher wear - resistance in high speed dry turning and milling of steel D60.

译文:与水溶性冷却液浇注冷却的湿式高速车铣相比,干式高速车铣d 60钢时,金属陶瓷刀具具有更高的耐磨性。

11. it's made -- the chariot is made of gold.

12. And you don't see yourself in a barouche?

译文:你不想驾着四马车吗? 能有匹小马和双轮马车我就知足了。

13. Research and Application of High Efficiency Milling Washover Head

14. Development and Application of Composite Washover and Fishing Cylinder

15. "i've seen the great cities of Asia,




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