万年春用英语怎么说 万年春的英语翻译

万年春通常被翻译为"  Nian-Chun Wan"的意思,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到92个与万年春相关的短语翻译和用法。

万年春用英语怎么说 万年春的英语翻译

万年春通常被翻译为"  Nian-Chun Wan"的意思,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到92个与万年春相关的短语翻译和用法。

2. furcraea cubeusis vent(万年兰)

3. selaginella tamariscina(万年松)

1. Wver cares the most, wins. Says so in there.

2. So as Tasmania split from the Antarctic, that was the birth of the Southern Ocean and we've found evidence of it.

3. [ Man ] Ten thousand years of Chinese medicine.

4. One can never be too careful.

5. Trying to prove that this place is going to be absolutely ah, safe over the next 10,000 years.

6. Stewart Brand on the Long Now

7. During the last 3.5 million years

8. And this is in the past four million years.

9. Perpetual Chrono watch, about $600,000.

10. Remember safety. A good driver is a safe driver.

11. A bad rep for thousands of years

12. Fifty million years to achieve this maximum body size.

13. Please, live for a thousand years.

14. Now we move forward 380,000 years.

15. His bad name will stay with him forever!


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