油漆用英语怎么说 油漆的英语翻译

油漆的英语可以这样说:25 The regeneration of paint residue must remove water firstly. This study obtained two reasonable,还经常被译作  oil varnish,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到82个与油漆相关的短语释义和例句。

油漆用英语怎么说 油漆的英语翻译

油漆的英语可以这样说:25 The regeneration of paint residue must remove water firstly. This study obtained two reasonable,还经常被译作  oil varnish,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到82个与油漆相关的短语释义和例句。

1. 25 The regeneration of paint residue must remove water firstly. This study obtained two reasonable

油漆翻译为 25 The regeneration of paint residue must remove water firstly. This study obtained two reasonable。

The paint was peeling off the wall in places.

paint processing plant ( 油漆厂 涂料 )

Paint Bucket Bucket DUMEI paint pot ( 油漆桶 )

painting varnish overcoating finishing ( 上油漆 )

PaintBucketT Bucket tool PalnIBucketTool ( 油漆桶工具 )

painter brother of the brush Paintey ( 油漆匠 )

paint thinner thinner for paint lacquer thinner turpentine substitute ( 油漆稀释剂 )

1. - it's phospscent paint.

2. Oh, man, the paint's still wet!

3. Yeah, mind the paintwork, mate.

4. Whatnot The door needs to be painted. Or: The door needs painting.

5. We'll paint the trellis next time.

6. paint deteriorates quickly.

7. Oh boy, do you need a paint job.

8. Do the walls, do paintings, like we could have projections in there.

9. - Made him self a kind of paint.

10. White paint, to be specific.

11. Coops Paint Building advertit.

12. Discarded tags, auto paint, paint thinner.

13. - How much painting do you plan to do?

14. Oh, my God. Look at me. i'm just covered!

15. Are you sing off paint?




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