足三阴经用英语怎么说 足三阴经英语翻译

足三阴经的英语是"internal coconut piece",其次还可以说成"full price",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到40个与足三阴经相关的短语释义和例句。

足三阴经用英语怎么说 足三阴经英语翻译

足三阴经的英语是"internal coconut piece",其次还可以说成"full price",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到40个与足三阴经相关的短语释义和例句。

2. AiM:To compare the protective effect on gastric mucosal lesion of rabbits by using acupuncture to the channel of foot-sanyang, and to explore the specific cor relation between meridians and viscera.


3. The serum RPR titers of the majoy patients( 95.6%) turn negative in 24 months after treatment.


4. Correlation between the Foot Yangming Channel and stomach has relative specificity.


8. Desperate Slimming Tour, 3 full meals each day.

9. Objective: To investigate transinal color Doppler sonography for the application value of septate uterus.


10. The three word sutra, that existed in the past, "establish the new."

11. it's called the Bardo state.

12. A way as mysterious as darkness

13. - We're locked and loaded. - Great. - Got enough stuff to hold us over for 72 hours.

14. The bank of the river was well treed.

15. Yin doesn't leave Yang. Yang doesn't leave Yin.


倒头就睡用英语怎么说 倒头就睡英语翻译
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