羯用英语怎么说 羯的英语翻译


羯用英语怎么说 羯的英语翻译


Capricornus Steinbock Capricorn mojiexuetang ( 摩羯星座 )

1. And maybe send Capricorn back in.

2. And i'm here to warn you, Capricorn knows where you're staying.

3. "Capricorn led an army of brutal men who struck fear in the hearts and minds of all those they came in contact with.

4. Something connected the villagers' rock and the old legend of the Sankara Stones.

5. The Shadow remembered, and he was determined to take revenge.

6. Old Capricorn will be pleased.

7. it's one of the Sankara Stones.

8. Ya Chu Lai has suffered for you, and you have been purified.

9. This pictograph represents Sankara, a priest.

10. "He appears only when Capricorn calls him rising from the ground, a faceless and fiery beast.

译文:"摩羯对它呼之即来挥之即去... 凭空而生,残暴无匹。

11. Capricorn wants you to have your strength for tonight.

12. Felling sago palms to become infested with the larvae of capricorn beetles, a favorite food.


13. - But Capricorn has a copy of the book.

14. Uh, technically, she's a capricorn on the cusp of sagittarius. But it's a common mistake.

15. Capricorn's castle is like a five-star hotel.





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