解放区用英语怎么说 解放区的英语翻译

解放区在英语中的翻译是"the liberated area -",还经常被译作  the liberated areas,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与解放区相关的短语翻译和用法。

解放区用英语怎么说 解放区的英语翻译

解放区在英语中的翻译是"the liberated area -",还经常被译作  the liberated areas,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到60个与解放区相关的短语翻译和用法。

Shandong Social Science ( 解放区话剧创作略论 )

the New Liberation Area ( 新解放区 )

Liberated Area stamps ( 解放区邮品 )

chinese liberated area fictions ( 解放区小说 )

liberated areas in hebei ( 河北解放区 )

1. We're willing to give up 8 liberated regions in south of Yangtze River

2. Free the bees. Free the bees. Free the bees.

3. The Burmese Army has deployed troops in KPC controlled areas.

4. You... are cut loose, soldier.

5. The Second Front cooperating the liberative region's defensive war and its basic experiences

6. The society of Brothers and Sisters that will deliver you from the slavery of drink!

7. Like a kind of liberating consciousness.

8. We were a little surprised, for this was a newly-liberated area, and we had not expected to meet with such kindness from the villagers.


9. in the Jiangbei district, work on a high-rise apartment complex called Zhujiang Taiyang is under way.

10. Such an examination will take us for a moment out of Red Territory and lead us into a long detour through Chinese history.


11. Free the body, free the soul.

12. We're bare-assed naked in the middle of it!

13. Mum, you should liberate your thoughts!

14. Of course! Liberation Day!

15. The Abu Saleem neighborhood has been liberated from NATO and the Libyan flag is rising high once again.





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