历史重演用英语怎么说 历史重演英语翻译

历史重演用英语翻译为"history repeat -",其次还可以说成"History repeats itself.",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到13个与历史重演相关的译文和例句。

历史重演用英语怎么说 历史重演英语翻译

历史重演用英语翻译为"history repeat -",其次还可以说成"History repeats itself.",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到13个与历史重演相关的译文和例句。

2. historical reenactment( 历史重演;历史剧)

History repeats itself market action is repetitive History y repeats itself ( 历史往往重演 )

History tends to repeat itself ( 历史总是重演 )

History repeats itself ( 历史本身常重演 )

Each time history ( 历史每重演一次 )

History will not repeat itself ( 历史不会重演 )

1. if the real Hitler back? History will repeat itself?

2. i'm not gonna let it happen again.

3. it's happening all over again, isn't it?

4. History repeat justs itself.

5. is history repeating itself?

6. i refuse to repeat history.

7. Sounds like a complete repeat of human history.

8. The wheels of history are turning again, Peter.

9. History does tend to repeat itself.

10. That's what makes it so hard, history repeating itself.

11. - Here we go again, Bruno.

12. i felt like i was watching a reenactment.

13. History has a strange way of repeating itself.

14. Even someone as bright as you must be aware that, uh, there's a certain pattern emerging here.

15. And now history repeats itself.


漕用英语怎么说 漕的英语翻译
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