格斗小子用英语怎么说 格斗小子英语翻译


格斗小子用英语怎么说 格斗小子英语翻译


3. You want me to put him in some bottom-rung s-fest to the death?

4. Up front, it's gladiator Fashanu.

5. i've learned a lot of tricks in fighting dirty.

6. SNK Playmore King of Fighters: Maximum impact

7. Hey, hey, hey, boys, boys, boys.

8. best suited to close combat

9. - So... who taught you to fight?

10. Where did you pick that up?

11. Thatˊs the man who was in india.

12. i'm not afraid not to fight.

13. They're from the fight club.

14. Prohibition of hunting and wrestling.

15. MMA is like chess, it's all about the moves. And your boy really knows his stuff.





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