艾艾用英语怎么说 艾艾的英语翻译

艾艾的英语是"pushing daisies",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到42个与艾艾相关的译文和例句。

艾艾用英语怎么说 艾艾的英语翻译

艾艾的英语是"pushing daisies",在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到42个与艾艾相关的译文和例句。

1. There was a village called Zhangjia Village, where lived Carpenter Zhang, who had a good wife, nicknamed Little Moth, who gave birth to a girl called Ai'ai.


2. Of course, i understand, Eddie.

3. Well, Eddie stays home and Mike's at school.

4. is it your parents' house or mine, Eddie?

5. Oh, say, Norma, you're not mad or anything because Eddie's sort of taking me out, are you?

译文:哦,说,诺玛 你会不会生气或别的 因为小艾艾正和我约会 你会不高兴吗。

6. Oh, no reason. Eddie told me you broke up.

7. Eddie, can you see my underpants in my ss?

8. And they said it was okay for me to stay over at Eddie's.

9. You mean, Eddie's friend with the motorcycle?

10. Eddie likes to stay in, Mike likes to go out.

11. Oh, Eddie, let's sit at the counter.

12. But i thought he was gonna do something to Eddie.

13. And let's be realistic, sometimes Eddie acts like he's old enough to be my father.

译文:我们还是实际点好 有时小艾艾的行为就像 老的足可以当我老爸了。

14. Well, that's wonderful, Eddie, because Mike and me are getting married too.

译文:那,那真是太好了,小艾艾 因为迈克和我 也正打算结婚呢。

15. My heart was beating so fast, and there was such a singing in my ears, that i could scarcely stammer i had no objection .





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