彩色线用英语怎么说 彩色线的英语翻译

彩色线的英语翻译是"  coloured thread",还可以翻译为coloured thread,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到53个与彩色线相关的短语翻译和用法。

彩色线用英语怎么说 彩色线的英语翻译

彩色线的英语翻译是"  coloured thread",还可以翻译为coloured thread,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到53个与彩色线相关的短语翻译和用法。

Color Curve Tone Curve Curves ( 色彩曲线 )

4. Meat snack. Look, they're colored.

5. Well, it's right here in the book. in black and white and color.

6. The one in color is you. She always draws you in color.

7. Presently UPSD is a scalable display platform that can be expanded from a six-inch diagonal size up to a six-foot diagonal, in both monochrome and color formats.


8. Remember the connections are color-coded.

9. But even though she has never seen color, Mary is an expert in color vision and knows everything ever discovered about its physics and biology.

译文:尽管她从没见过彩色, 她却是彩色视觉专家, 通晓彩色视觉相关的 物理现象和生物方面的知识。

10. Research of High Performance Color Hardener and Moulage Technology


12. i don't see any of the colored ones.

13. Color reproduction is horrible.

14. Don't you have color in France?"

15. CAT Conditional Access Table CLUT Color Look-Up Table




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