高压灭菌用英语怎么说 高压灭菌英语翻译

高压灭菌的英语为"pressure sterilizer",还网络中常译为"autoclaving",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到71个与高压灭菌相关的释义和例句。

高压灭菌用英语怎么说 高压灭菌英语翻译

高压灭菌的英语为"pressure sterilizer",还网络中常译为"autoclaving",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到71个与高压灭菌相关的释义和例句。

示例:i'm real good in a high-pressure situation. 我很擅长高压工作 I'm real good in a high -pressure situation.

1. high pressure sterilization(高压灭菌法;高压蒸汽消毒灭菌法)

1. A preliminary discussion of high pressure steam sterilization and management on dental handpieces in orthodontics

2. Objective To test the effect of sterilization in dental handpieces chambers.

3. Primary observation of the sterilizing effects of ZMW anprolene case on foreign bone materials


4. SOi High Voltage Device and SPiC Technology

8. After sterilization let teether cool down before use.

9. Sterilization of biopsy forceps by autoclaving accounted for only 17.4%.


10. Bacterial Extermination Room

11. Objective Comparing different seasons sugar-containing infusion hot pressing disinfected after different locations on the same sterilization 5-Qiangjia base furfural content.


12. OHP oxygen therapy at high pressure

13. This sterilizer is vertical cylinder of one layer jacket. The main body and drum of sterilizer are made of high-quality stainless steel.


14. Ultrasound clean equipment, autoclave, hot-air steriliser and iR heater, etc.


15. Salt acid. Pressurized salt acid.




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