肮脏的手用英语怎么说 肮脏的手英语翻译

肮脏的手的英语可以这样说:sordid,还可以翻译为dirty your hands,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到51个与肮脏的手相关的翻译和例句。

肮脏的手用英语怎么说 肮脏的手英语翻译

肮脏的手的英语可以这样说:sordid,还可以翻译为dirty your hands,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到51个与肮脏的手相关的翻译和例句。

2. Have you had impure thoughts or engaged in impure deeds?

3. it was a foul, foul operation, but it paid off.

4. My hands are dirty, always will be, huh?

5. Messy, Messy, messy, messy, messy,

6. who's that eatin' that nasty fruit? nasty boys!

7. What they did to me with their dirty hands.

8. ... A base and impure desire.

9. if you touch these again with your filthy paws...

10. - "Dirty Harry." - Sounds great.

11. Take your filthy hands off me.

12. The filthy old fizzwiggler.

13. Take hands off me, you ruddy...

14. Yesterday you were a harum-scarum child with dirty hands and a willful heart.

15. Mr. Lawyer with his dirty tricks. - Quiet!




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