2. Directed acyclic graph support vector (DAG-SVMS) multi-category classification methods, is a new multi-category classification methods.
3. The effects of different diets on the survival and development of copepod nauplii
4. Reproductive modes in Sichuan anurans
5. Sorry, what? "A nu-ca-ler."
6. Live-Forever-Through-Countless-Ages...
7. Beauty of whateverkind, in its supreme development, invariabiy excites the sensi-tive soul to tears
8. classless inter domain routing, CiDR
9. So, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, then, "Hi!
10. There was no significant difference in size among three categories of hemocytes.
11. Without wisdom...without...
12. And-Ponpokona-Live-Forever-Jack.
13. Overflow Dyeing of Twistless Yarns Cotton Towelling
14. Aeroliths are further subdivided into two cl: chondrites and achondrites.
15. The body of an ape is like the human body in many ways. For this reason, apes are sometimes called "man-like" apes.