信守承诺用英语怎么说 信守承诺英语翻译

信守承诺的英语是"  keep one's promise",还可以翻译为  We always keep our promises,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到60个与信守承诺相关的释义和例句。

信守承诺用英语怎么说 信守承诺英语翻译

信守承诺的英语是"  keep one's promise",还可以翻译为  We always keep our promises,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到60个与信守承诺相关的释义和例句。

信守承诺翻译为   We always keep our promises。

It's of vital importance to live up to our promises; otherwise, empty promises would only result in bad names.

You should keep its promise ( 你应该信守承诺 )


I am a man of my word ( 我是信守承诺的人 )

I am a man of my word ( 我是信守我承诺的人 )

Please keep your commitment Kept your promise ( 请信守你的承诺 )

and the promise this country holds ( 和这个国家信守的承诺 )

I will keep your promise ( 我会信守对你的承诺 )

1. - Yes. You have my word on it.

2. i kept my promise. i didn't publish.

3. A man must honor his promises

4. King of Hungary kept his promise.

5. We let him go. Honor the deal.

6. This is one promise i would like you to keep.

7. And i'd like to live up to that promise.

8. How do i know you're going to keep your word?

9. But you came. You kept your promise, just like you did every time after that.

10. Kept her promise, it would've ruined him.

11. A king who does not go back on his word, must keep his promises.

12. We should stick to the plan.

13. i held up my end of the bargain.

14. That doesn't matter. i said i'd hold up my end of the deal.

15. All men should keep their word, kings most of all.




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