属地化用英语怎么说 属地化的英语翻译

属地化的英语翻译是"running by the local authorities",还经常被译作transfering -,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到46个与属地化相关的翻译和例句。

属地化用英语怎么说 属地化的英语翻译

属地化的英语翻译是"running by the local authorities",还经常被译作transfering -,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到46个与属地化相关的翻译和例句。

1. running by the local authorities

属地化翻译为running by the local authorities。

The implementation of territorial management and the entire industry.

属地化翻译为   administrative localization。

It also points out the channel of fulfilling localized management and running as enterprise in geological prospecting units.

subordinate geochemical landscape ( 从属的地球化学景观 )

1. The people of this province has completely surpassed the Roman civilization!

2. "The one appointed as governor..."

3. in search of dreams and happiness...

4. Be in only oneself "apanage" in search joyous, he just has safe feeling most.

5. i will drive them all from our domain.

6. But since they're a province of Rome...

7. "i knew, therefore, it was on government land."

8. As a privateer he spent his time raiding the French along the West African coastline..

9. Look! This is French Algeria for you.

10. it's a murder, it's local, and it's under local jurisdiction.

11. Right there, in a place of honor. DEATH DJAKARTA

译文:在那里 它的光荣归属地 Right there, in a place of honor.。

12. We won't be safe until we get to a village associated with Carrillo.

13. i will assign someone else to the province of Pannonia.

14. But here, here in Spanish territory we conduct our plantation in strict accordance with the laws of Spain and the precepts of the church.

译文:但在西班牙属地 我们依照西班牙法律耕种 并谨守教会戒律。

15. Why should i rely on the civilization of that province...




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