中翻日用英语怎么说 中翻日的英语翻译


中翻日用英语怎么说 中翻日的英语翻译


2. Now, get that lot turned over before frost comes down.

3. i put you down, i give you .

4. There's your Chinese. Translation?

5. Push it down, push away, and flip it back.

6. i was just sitting around looking through the magazine section.

7. Fif. 4 Change of theaflavins content in different pile-up samples

8. The actors were tumbling One somersault after another

9. Just selling records, yeah?

10. You are in the top 12 to become

11. Fif. 3 Change of thearuligins content in different pile-up samples

12. i try to show any warmth, you know?

13. We spend hours, days, years of our lives rummaging through dirty and dusty record bins.

译文:我们日复一日年复一年 在肮脏、布满灰尘的唱片箱子里翻找。

14. The world population has doubled in the past 40 years.

译文:想想吧。全世界的人口在过去的40年中翻 了一翻,对吧。

15. disturbed plots of earth in Oyster Bay.


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