免费性用英语怎么说 免费性的英语翻译

免费性的英语翻译是"free gratis",还经常被译作exempted from charge,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到64个与免费性相关的释义和例句。

免费性用英语怎么说 免费性的英语翻译

免费性的英语翻译是"free gratis",还经常被译作exempted from charge,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到64个与免费性相关的释义和例句。

3. is it definitely free? Yeah.

4. But i see... infinite possibilities for happiness... and an incredible amount of free babysitting.

译文:可是我看到 无穷快乐的可能性 而且会有多到不行的免费保姆。

5. Oh, ladies, cover your ears.

6. -Wonderful. -No surprise charges.

7. Free of charge for the 1st time

8. - Sir, and is it really for free?

9. Yeah, look. Every customer receives a free copy.

10. All of our Tungsten rings are Cobalt Free and hypoallergenic.

11. - Why is it free of charge?

12. Free ride, free food, free hotel rooms.

13. About your house account. All right. He'll pay for it.

14. Free donuts, free coupons.

15. No, it doesn't cost anything.


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