放电管用英语怎么说 放电管的英语翻译

放电管的英语翻译是"  [电子] discharge tube",还网络中常译为"discharge lamp",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到10个与放电管相关的短语释义和例句。

放电管用英语怎么说 放电管的英语翻译

放电管的英语翻译是"  [电子] discharge tube",还网络中常译为"discharge lamp",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到10个与放电管相关的短语释义和例句。

high intensity dischare lamp high intensity dise lamp ( 高光度放电管灯 )

strobotron strobescope ( 频闪放电管 电子 )

TSS thyristor surge suppressors Thyristor Surge Protectors TISP ( 半导体放电管 )

deuterium discharge tube ( 氘放电管 电子 )

caesium discharge tube ( 铯放电管 )

1. They should still be feeding cable.

2. 'The Red Lantern' at 7:00 p.m.

3. ♪She intoxicates you with her eyes.♪

4. See the nose for any discharge: -coryza.

5. The eruption itself is still several miles away, but you Once again, we can tell you

6. What is... Wait, i'm smelling both electrical discharge

7. Archimede. Film : The Ceremony.

8. Front of wave impulse sparkover voltage

9. Dynamic plasma characteristics in the CuBr laser discharge tube in different circuit


10. All right. You know how to lay on the charm, Russell.

11. i don't have the eyelashes for it.

12. Study on discharge characteristic of different configurable DBD.

13. C on phrenic nerve discharges.

14. There is a magic spark in his eyes

15. using a modern mock up of the device.


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