过家用英语怎么说 过家的英语翻译

过家的英语翻译是"excessive rolling",还可以翻译为transpassivity,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到35个与过家相关的短语翻译和用法。

过家用英语怎么说 过家的英语翻译

过家的英语翻译是"excessive rolling",还可以翻译为transpassivity,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到35个与过家相关的短语翻译和用法。

1. excessive regulation(过调节,过补偿)

never left their home Never left home ( 从未离开过家乡 )

Home Distribution System HDS ( 是指通过家庭总线 )

Home for the Holidays ( 回家过节 )

WENZEL Family Dome Tent ( 全新未用过家庭帐篷 )

1. - Remember the home i promised you?

2. They searched Rosemary's house.

3. "You are never a stranger but my brother."

4. My family worked there before. One and a half cents.

5. He filed, he lunched, loved and lost.

6. Never said i was conducting, Dad.

7. The Danville did him a service, some time ago...

8. Master Hai said, our home... is at sea .

9. But we never heard of any Bagchi family..

10. You're not spending Christmas with Louis?

11. Chia-chu is up to the scratch, as i said

12. We've been attacked, by a Blue!

13. i mean, we're never together.

14. What do you do for Christmas with your family?

15. i know! there goes my invite to the Darcys' next year.




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