虫白蜡用英语怎么说 虫白蜡的英语翻译

虫白蜡在英语中的翻译是"Chinese wax",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与虫白蜡相关的短语释义和例句。

虫白蜡用英语怎么说 虫白蜡的英语翻译

虫白蜡在英语中的翻译是"Chinese wax",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到26个与虫白蜡相关的短语释义和例句。

1. Sister Simplice was white, with a waxen pallor.

2. Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Fraxinus hupehensis

3. Since we build the meetinghouse had pewter candlesticks upon the pulpit.

4. Then in the winter... When the ash tree lost all of its leaves...

5. Samara a nut or achene whose pericarp is extended to form a wing for wind dispersal, e. g. Ash (fraxinus excelsior).


6. They look like dollhouses-carefully crafted wooden models made of light sycamore, ash and rosewood-but the contents are not for children.


7. Ash, trembling Aspen and Lime.

8. ...red candle, white candle a girl like me can't handle them all at once.

9. Sister Simplice was white, with a waxen pallor.

10. Hardwoods such as hickory, oak and ash also burn well.

11. "The ash tree's had its fingers in the ashes."

12. Right turn after the gatehouse, and right again by the ash tree, which has the most beautiful leaves in the forest.

译文:在门口往右转,过了白蜡树再右转 是林中拥有最美叶子的树木。

13. When you call them... white candles flowers and melon must be ready

14. if short-term inside don't drink, also can be in plug in besmear pewters s and then covered with tape sealing.


15. Determination of Residue Levels of Clothianidin in Fraxinus velutina by Reversed-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography


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