棉籽饼用英语怎么说 棉籽饼的英语翻译

棉籽饼通常被翻译为"  cottonseed cake"的意思,还经常被译作cottonseed cake,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到10个与棉籽饼相关的翻译和例句。

棉籽饼用英语怎么说 棉籽饼的英语翻译

棉籽饼通常被翻译为"  cottonseed cake"的意思,还经常被译作cottonseed cake,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到10个与棉籽饼相关的翻译和例句。

cottonseed meal farina di semi di cotone ( 棉籽饼粉 )

Cottonseed meal extracts ( 棉籽饼提取液 )

antipoisoning of oil cake of ( 棉籽油饼化学脱毒 )

1. - Come, let's have some cake.

2. Feeding Karakul Sheep with Cottonseed Shell Bacteria Bran

3. Comprehensive utilization of soapstock of cottonseed oil

4. Mentha Arvensis and Egg Pancake

5. Cookie, cookie, and cookie.

6. New Extraction Technology Study of Raffinose by Enzyme Method

7. You want to go for a burger?

8. Pie... pie... this is no pie.

12. That girl who's like a flower about to blossom.

13. Pretzels, pretzels, pretzels!

译文:椒盐饼 椒盐饼 椒盐饼! Pretzels, pretzels, pretzels。

14. Although there is yellow "cake" cake here as well.

15. So what you're seeing here is actually cotton hulls from Texas, in this case.


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