抓罪犯用英语怎么说 抓罪犯的英语翻译


抓罪犯用英语怎么说 抓罪犯的英语翻译


3. i'm hell-bent on catching a cyber criminal, not the common cold.

4. Like i said, i've been working. And what i do is i hunt down criminals.

5. But we finally got him. Thank you.

6. Must be run off your feet catching all them criminals from behind the desk.

7. Using a convict to catch a killer-- it's synergy.

8. We got to keep the real criminals off the streets, Your Honor.

9. And you're scarcely in any position to judge.

10. i wanted to put criminals away, not just keep them in cages.

11. Get yourself some criminals here?

12. Come on, John, there no science to catching crooks you know that.

译文:别这样嘛 约翰 他们知道抓罪犯没所谓科学方法的 你是知道的。

13. Please come and catch them. They are criminals.

14. Go now if you want to catch him.

15. Only when we were fleeing from Warsaw ourselves, did we learn that they could have been Jews or criminals, or similar people.





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