力字旁用英语怎么说 力字旁的英语翻译

力字旁用英语翻译为"uniform force",还网络中常译为"displacement force",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与力字旁相关的短语释义和例句。

力字旁用英语怎么说 力字旁的英语翻译

力字旁用英语翻译为"uniform force",还网络中常译为"displacement force",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到16个与力字旁相关的短语释义和例句。

译文:为何Bart的名字在Trent Reznor 和Klauses兄弟的名字旁边。

4. Ken is training me for my concentration, attention and intellect.

5. Come on, little boost, little boost...

6. But, they've got these weird little symbols next to their names.

7. Flik! That's it? But there's got to be more food on the island!

8. Will Power, Will Power, Will Power!

9. -Come here. come here, come here.

10. if you put the character for 'lamb' beside 'fish' you'll get the word for 'delicious'

11. Use opponents' force to beat them.

12. That was the bestest picking up bounce i never seen!

13. No, no. it's... it's the animal, it's got two "L's." Come on, have a seat.

14. Hey, Philippe... Philippe...

15. Rikishi attacks! Rikishi attacks!





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