琐碎用英语怎么说 琐碎的英语翻译

琐碎的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为trivial,还网络中常译为"  detail",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到52个与琐碎相关的翻译和例句。

琐碎用英语怎么说 琐碎的英语翻译

琐碎的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为trivial,还网络中常译为"  detail",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到52个与琐碎相关的翻译和例句。

trivial a trifling matter Odds And Ends ( 琐碎的事 )

1. They say the most trivial things.

2. The reporter apologized for the triviality of his question.

3. Lobular flowers and plants can let host into a trivial situation.

4. - Changing of the guard and all that.

5. Even though it sounds cliche, it's true.

7. Only when it comes to trivialities

8. You can have it for the usual cheap trinkets.

9. i'm going to tell you even the smallest things like this.

10. You get to excuse yourself from petty neighborhood squabbles.

11. He's gotta give us... our full due to the last penny!

12. i'll stop this petty thieving.

13. Even though we talked about such trivial things, i still felt very happy

14. They showed me on the potty.

15. - Every tiny thing about her?




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