妖精用英语怎么说 妖精的英语翻译

妖精通常被翻译为"demon"的意思,还可以翻译为evil spirit,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到57个与妖精相关的翻译和例句。

妖精用英语怎么说 妖精的英语翻译

妖精通常被翻译为"demon"的意思,还可以翻译为evil spirit,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到57个与妖精相关的翻译和例句。

Goblin Pixies Leprechaun Gremlin ( 小妖精 )

Arc the Lad Arcade Gamer FUBUKI Arc The Lad Generation rc the Ld ( 妖精战士 )

ALO Fairy Dance La Ronde des Lutins ( 妖精之舞 )

1. "Say your right words," the goblins said.

2. Fight between the abalone and sea cucumber

3. Cute harmless little irish guys.

4. So you could sleep and i could stay up all night waiting for those little monsters

5. Halt! Where did you come from?

6. Thahessoom lin Kamelonas fey missaf!

译文:林Kamelonas Thahessoom 妖精missaf。

10. - (STATiC) - Fancy an eyeball, Elf?

13. -Move it, you little tramp!

14. Eve Evil, little Miss Evil.

15. Demon, i'll cook the demon!




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