音乐合成用英语怎么说 音乐合成英语翻译

音乐合成的英语翻译是"synthetic oil",其次还可以说成"dyssynthesis",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到61个与音乐合成相关的翻译和例句。

音乐合成用英语怎么说 音乐合成英语翻译

音乐合成的英语翻译是"synthetic oil",其次还可以说成"dyssynthesis",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到61个与音乐合成相关的翻译和例句。

3. it is difficult to synthesize the sonant in the speech synthesis especially in the synthesizing diphthong in speech synthesis.


4. Languorous chords seem to defy gravity as ambient synthesizer textures frame the music with golden glow.


5. it's was actually the first Pop song on which you can hear a synthetizzzeeerrrr and i used it (the synthetizzzer) a lot afterwards

译文:流行歌曲 后来我总是用合成器做音乐 DJ可以放在那儿。

6. (Music) (Clapping) (Music) (Music ends) (Applause) (Cheering) Thank you so much.

译文:(音乐) (拍手) (音乐) (音乐结束) (掌声) (欢呼) 谢谢大家。

7. So Thornhill's definitely a fake.

8. This is some kind of synthetic toxin.

9. Heavy, pop or very soft music?

10. The syn-gas, or the syn-fuel process.

11. it is difficult to synthesize the sonant in the speech synthesis especially in the synthesizing diphthong in speech synthesis.


12. (Music) (Laughter) (Music) Hey.

13. Objective:To synthesize oteracil and optimize the synthetic process.

14. Synthetic inal juices... Substantial crease...

15. Reaction mechanism of triazophos synthesis reaction and its synthesis methods are introduced.




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