sheridan是什么意思 sheridan的中文翻译、读音、例句


sheridan是什么意思 sheridan的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Sheridan学院:Sheridan College是加拿大安大略省的一所公立大学,提供各种学位和文凭计划,主要涉及艺术、设计、制造、商业和社区服务领域。


- Sheridan College is a top-rated institution for animation and game design in Canada.

- I am studying digital marketing at Sheridan College.

- He graduated from Sheridan with a diploma in graphic design.

2. 战斗机:Sheridan是美国M551轻型坦克的称呼,其主要的武器是M81 152毫米炮。


- The Sheridan was first deployed during the Vietnam War.

- The M551 Sheridan was designed to be air-transportable and airborne assaultable.

- The Sheridan's 152mm gun was capable of firing a wide range of ammunition types.

3. 美国作家:Richard Brinsley Sheridan是18世纪英国戏剧家和家,他的戏剧作品带有浓厚的社会和色彩。


- Sheridan's most famous play is The School for Scandal.

- During his time in Parliament, Sheridan was known for his oratory skills.

- Many critics consider Sheridan to be one of the greatest comic dramatists in English literature.

4. 姓氏:Sheridan也可以是一个常见的英语姓氏,代表家族的传承和身份。


- My boss's name is Laura Sheridan.

- The Sheridan family has been living in this town for generations.

- John Sheridan is a well-known actor in Hollywood.


1. Sheridan College is a top-rated institution for animation and game design in Canada. (谢里丹学院是加拿大顶尖的动画和游戏设计机构。)

2. The M551 Sheridan was designed to be air-transportable and airborne assaultable. (M551谢里丹坦克是被设计成能够空运和空降的。)

3. Many critics consider Sheridan to be one of the greatest comic dramatists in English literature. (很多评论家认为谢里丹是英国文学中最伟大的喜剧剧作家之一。)

4. John Sheridan is a well-known actor in Hollywood. (约翰·谢里丹在好莱坞是一位知名演员。)

5. The Sheridan family has been living in this town for generations. (谢里丹家族在这个城镇已经生活了好几代人。)

Sheridan的中文翻译是谢里登。读音为 [ʃerɪdən]。


1. Sheridan 是一位才华横溢的剧作家和演员。

Sheridan was a talented playwright and actor.

2. 他的话语让人想起了 Sheridan 的喜剧表演。

His words reminded me of Sheridan's comedic performances.




例句:Encouraging employees to say no to the boss ensures that smart new ideas bubble to the top levels of an organization, Sheridan says. (谢里顿认为,鼓励员工对老板说“不”,可以使企业高层获得一些新的好点子。)


例句:Fort Sheridan is a place rich in the traditions of the U. S. cavalry and artillery, of training camps, and the Womens Army Corps. (福特谢里登是美国骑兵和炮兵的训练营地,进行了极为丰富的传统,和妇女军团。)


例句:It's the tenth anniversary of the Interstellar Alliance, and President Sheridan is on his way to Babylon 5 for the celebration. (它的跨星联盟的第十周年纪念,和Sheridan总统是在他的途中到巴比伦5为庆祝。)


例句:Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars. (翻译:观众中有电影制作人吉姆·谢里登和一些电影明星。)


sheridan一般作为名词使用,如在Sheridan(n. 谢里丹(m.))、Sheridan County([地名] 谢里登县 ( 美 ))、Sheridan Glacier([地名] 谢里登冰川 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Sheridann. 谢里丹(m.)
Sheridan County[地名] 谢里登县 ( 美 )
Sheridan Glacier[地名] 谢里登冰川 ( 美 )
Sheridan Lake[地名] 谢里登莱克 ( 美 )
Sheridan tank【军械】谢里登坦克
Philip Henry Sheridan[网络] 谢里丹;谢尔丹
Richard Brinsley Sheridan[网络] 理查德•布林斯利•施莱登;谢里登;家谢雷登
sheridan mt.社立丹山


1. It's the tenth anniversary of the Interstellar Alliance, and President Sheridan is on his way to Babylon 5 for the celebration. (翻译:它的跨星联盟的第十周年纪念,和Sheridan总统是在他的途中到巴比伦5为庆祝。)

2. Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars. (翻译:观众中有电影制作人吉姆·谢里登和一些电影明星。)

3. If we got Chen, Sheridan won't be far behind him. (翻译:如果我们找到Chen Sheridan一定跟着他)

4. Weekly Brampton, Ontario course taught by Sheridan instructor, former Disney animator. (翻译:周宾顿,安大略谢里丹老师教的课程,前迪斯尼动画师。)

5. What are the internal supporting factors Sheridan Libraries possess in supporting DL initiatives? (翻译:关于支持数字化图书馆项目,肖瑞丹图书馆拥有什么内在支持的资源?)

6. It went south. Sheridan was better than we were. (翻译:不管怎样Sheridan比我们预计的要强)

7. Agents Kasinski and Harmon were supposed to... intercept an exchange between Chen and Sheridan at the U.N. garage. (翻译:Kasinski和Harmon二位探员本来是... ...去大厦停车场拦截Chen和Sheridan的)

8. Detective Jefferson, no offense, but I like to hear the story from Detective Sheridan himself. (翻译:杰弗逊警探,恕我冒昧 想听听 谢立丹警探自己的陈述)

9. British wildlife guide Mark Sheridan captured the action during a tour of the Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania. (翻译:英国野生动物导游马克·谢里登在这个保护区游历时捕捉了这个情节。)

10. Among the audience were moviemaker Jim Sheridan and some movie stars. (翻译:观众中有电影制作人吉姆·谢里登和一些电影明星。)

11. Get your stuff. We're neighbors with Mark Sheridan. Let's go, look alive! (翻译:抄家伙 Mark Sheridan就在附近 打起精神!)

12. These place Sheridan in the forefront of the great English dramatists. (翻译:这些使谢里丹处于英国伟大剧作家的前列。)

13. Many details are still unclear, but we can now confirm... that Special Agent Frank Barrows... was killed at Queens Hill Cemetery during a stakeout... to capture fugitive Mark Sheridan, the prime suspect in two murders... at the U.N. six months ago. (翻译:具体细节还不清楚 不过我们能肯定... ...特别探员Frank Barrows... ...今天在皇后区一墓园被...)

14. Donna Sheridan. You shady lady. (翻译:Donna Sheridan 你嘴还真严)

15. Deputy U.S. Marshal Noah Newman was also killed... as Sheridan eluded police in a spectacular escape... leaping onto the roof of a moving subway, then stealing a car... (翻译:联邦法警Noah Newman也同时遇害... ...在一场惊心动魄的追捕之后... Sheridan跳火车顶偷车逃逸)




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