destabilize是什么意思 destabilize的中文翻译、读音、例句


destabilize是什么意思 destabilize的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义及用法:'destabilize'是一个动词,意为“使不稳定”,常用于描述某种行为或事件对某个系统、组织或国家产生的负面影响,引起不稳定局面。常见搭配有'destabilize the economy'(经济稳定)、'destabilize the government'(稳定)、'destabilize the situation'(局势稳定)等。

2. 情景应用:'destabilize'这个词通常用于新闻、、军事等领域,用来描述国际局势、地区冲突、动荡、经济危机等重要事件的影响。作为英语老师,在课堂上可以引导学生从这些方面进行阅读和讨论,了解国际形势、培养敏感度和全球化视野。

3. 相关词汇:'destabilize'还有一些相关的词汇和短语,例如'destabilization'(动荡,不稳定性),'destabilizing factor'(不稳定因素),'destabilization campaign'(稳定的宣传活动)等。这些词汇和短语与'destabilize'密切相关,可以帮助学生更好地理解和运用这个词汇。


1. The terrorist attack aimed to destabilize the political situation in the country.(恐怖袭击旨在该国的局势。)

2. The sanctions imposed by the international community have destabilized the country's economy.(国际社会实施的制裁措施了该国的经济稳定。)

3. The company's decision to cut jobs may destabilize the labor market.(公司裁员的决定可能会劳动力市场的稳定。)

4. The spread of fake news on social media is a destabilizing factor for democracy.(社交媒体上假新闻的扩散是的一种不稳定因素。)

5. The opposition parties have been accused of launching a destabilization campaign against the government.(被指责发起了一场稳定的宣传活动。)




1. The bombing campaign was intended to destabilize the government.


2. Economic sanctions can be used to destabilize a country's economy.


3. The recent political turmoil has destabilized the region.





例句:Outcasts from Rome and from all over Europe are coming into our country to destabilize the government, to poison the minds and hearts of our people, to turn them into fanatics at the service of foreign interests. (从罗马来的放逐者 还有来自欧洲各地的放逐者 进入我国,颠覆我们)


例句:With this crisis migrating from one part of the world, as it is now, it will destabilize not only our democracies, but even the emerging world that is not that keen on liberal democracy. (随着这个危机 从世界某个区域向外扩散, 就像现在这样, 它将使得我们的不稳定, 甚至是那些不是特别热衷于自由的 新兴国家。)


例句:Terrorist attacks were threatening to destabilize the government. (恐怖袭击威胁着的稳定。)


例句:Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government. (翻译:他们的惟一目的是要动摇印度的统治。)


1. Terrorist attacks were threatening to destabilize the government. (翻译:恐怖袭击威胁着的稳定。)

2. Their sole aim is to destabilize the Indian government. (翻译:他们的惟一目的是要动摇印度的统治。)

3. Yeah, so... well, then they'd have to find a way to destabilize... (翻译:是啊 所以... 他们得想办法...)

4. Mr. Zadeh said he was concerned that some shift in Facebook's business model or platform strategy could destabilize Zoosk. (翻译:扎德说,他担心的是,Facebook业务模式或平台战略出现的一些转移可能会造成Zoosk业务不稳。)

5. Certain chemical agents under certain conditions can destabilize the chemical structure of polymers. (翻译:在特定情况下,特定的化学剂 能使聚合物不稳定)

6. Obviously, changes destabilize us out of our comfort zone. (翻译:很显然,改变会使我们离开内心舒适区。)

7. America does this deliberately to destabilize Pakistan. (翻译:会觉得美国故意这样做 使得巴基斯坦局势不安定)

8. If we can destroy that oscillator, it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon. (翻译:如果我们能毁掉这个振荡器 If we can destroy that oscillator, 就可能会武器核心 削弱武器力量 it might destabilize the core and cripple the weapon.)

9. The legendary and notorious FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover believed, or wanted to believe, that the Civil Rights Movement was a Soviet communist plot intended to destabilize the American government. (翻译:传说中臭名昭著的联邦调查局 局长埃德加·胡佛相信, 或愿意相信, 民权运动是一个 苏维埃主义阴谋, 意图美国。)

10. This can destabilize the bank to the point where it faces bankruptcy. (翻译:这种可能性会银行的稳定性以至于将它逼至破产。)

11. Amnesty International says a campaign of ethnic cleansing seems to have started to destabilize the region. (翻译:组织称,种族大清洗运动似乎已经开始在该地区制造动荡。)

12. An al-Qaeda or Baathist group was suspected of trying to destabilize Iraq in the run-up to a general election expected in early March. (翻译:该事件疑为是或是叙利亚社会党试图在明年3月的大选举行之前的稳定局势。)

13. The French are not usually bothered by such matters, but Mr Strauss-Kahn's enemies could bring them up to try to destabilize him. (翻译:通常,法国人并不会太在乎此类桃色事件,但施特劳斯-卡恩的对手完全可以借此大做文章,以动摇他的竞选口碑。)

14. But a big one could destabilize the climate and wreck our way of life. (翻译:可它要是变大,就会造成气候的不稳定 But a big one can destabilize the climate 甚至毁掉人类的生存方式 and wreck our way of life.)

15. Maduro says the U. S. government is trying to destabilize Venezuela and convert the nation into what he called an oil-producing colony. (翻译:马杜罗说,美国企图委内瑞拉的稳定,并把委内瑞拉变成一个生产石油的殖民地。)


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