glycitein是什么意思 glycitein的中文翻译、读音、例句

glycitein的意思是"黄豆黄素甙元、黄豆黄素",其次还有"黄豆黄素\"的意思,在线读音是[美 ],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到24个与glycitein相关的句子。

glycitein是什么意思 glycitein的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:It would be an endless task to cite such living examples. (这样的实例举不胜举。)


例句:For reference, I cite the alleged sun grebe last summer. (供参考, 我举被指控 太阳䴙䴘去年夏天。)

例句:Moutai fans breathlessly cite its revolutionary pedigree and are quick to compare its refinement to Champagne or Scotch. (茅台迷们喋喋不休地引述茅台酒的血统,并迅速地将其与香槟或苏格兰威士忌加以比较。)


例句:You know women cite physical bravery as the number one quality in a man? (翻译:你知道女举 物理勇敢的 在男人的头号质量?)


1. Moutai fans breathlessly cite its revolutionary pedigree and are quick to compare its refinement to Champagne or Scotch. (翻译:茅台迷们喋喋不休地引述茅台酒的血统,并迅速地将其与香槟或苏格兰威士忌加以比较。)

2. You know women cite physical bravery as the number one quality in a man? (翻译:你知道女举 物理勇敢的 在男人的头号质量?)

3. In fact, of the four generations Pew Research has data for, the Millennial generation does not cite work ethic as distinctive of itself. (翻译:事实上,在皮尤研究拥有的四代人数据中,千禧一代并没有将职业道德作为其独特之处。)

4. But it typified a tactic to which American leaders frequently turn when they need a rejoinder to economic doomsaying: cite an Apple product. (翻译:但这也反映出当美国需要去反驳经济衰退说时,总是倾向于利用苹果产品。)

5. I cite in particular the effectiveness of Captain Turner, invaluable to us since the Comstock." (翻译:在此特别表彰特纳上尉高效的工作 对康斯托克极为宝贵)

6. I hate to cite a cliche, but Dad on the streets? (翻译:我讨厌扯出一些陈词滥调 但是流浪街头的父亲?)

7. Ancient astronaut theorists also cite as evidence the amazing similarities between isolated cultures all over the planet. (翻译:古代外星人理论家还举出了这个证据 这座星球上相互孤立的文化之间存在惊人的相似)

8. Let me cite a few instances: orange, bananas, pineapples, etc. , Are all fruit from the south. (翻译:让我举几个例子:橘子、香蕉、菠萝等都是南方产的水果。)

9. Cite one. - Are you gonna answer my question? (翻译:你到底回不回答我的问题 {\3cH202020}Are you gonna answer my question?)

10. They often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up the contract prices. (翻译:他们常常将高现货价格作为抬高合同价格的砝码。)

11. They often cite high spot prices as the reason for jagging up the contract prices. (翻译:他们常常将高现货价格作为抬高合同价格的砝码。)

12. He said they made the editorial decision to only cite the lead scientist. (翻译:他说杂志编撰要求文章 He said they made the editorial decision 只引用首席科学家 to only cite the lead scientist.)

13. It is vain to cite Euclidian postulates that "quantities which are equal to the same quantity are equal to each other. " (翻译:引证欧几里得的基本定理“等量之间彼此相等”是没有用的。)

14. Therefore, the characteristic tripeptide sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) has been attracting much attention of investigators. (翻译:因此,关于这个特有的RGD三肽序列的研究吸引了许多的学者的关注。)

15. Furthermore, other amino acids, such as Lys, Met, Trp, Gly and so on, they have also an effect on requirement of threonine. (翻译:此外,其它一些氨基酸如赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、色氨酸、甘氨酸等均对苏氨酸的需要量有影响。)


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