invista是什么意思 invista的中文翻译、读音、例句


invista是什么意思 invista的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:Invista是DuPont公司旗下的化学品和纤维品牌的名称,主要产品包括聚酯、尼龙和脂肪族单体等。


- Invista is a global leader in the production of nylon, spandex and polyester fibers.

- Invista’s Dacron fiber is widely used in the manufacturing of clothing, bedding and pillows.

- The company’s adipic acid technology has enabled it to produce high-quality nylon fibers for various industrial applications.

- Invista offers a wide range of chemicals and intermediates for the textile, plastics and automotive industries.

- The company’s patented Coolmax technology is designed to keep athletes cool and dry during exercise.

2. 品牌知名度:Invista是一个广为人知的品牌,在全球范围内拥有广泛的市场认可度。


- Invista’s reputation for quality and innovation has helped it to become a leading supplier of specialty chemicals and polymers.

- The company’s advanced research and development capabilities have helped it to stay ahead of its compes.

- Invista’s strong partnerships with industry leaders have enabled it to expand its global reach.

- The company’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship has helped it to build a positive reputation among consumers.

- Invista’s focus on customer satisfaction has earned it a loyal customer base.

3. 技术创新:Invista在纤维和化学技术领域拥有丰富的经验和技术优势,不断推出新产品和创新解决方案。


- Invista’s patented Lycra technology revolutionized the textile industry by creating stretch fabrics that were both comfortable and durable.

- The company’s innovative CORDURA brand is known for its high-strength, abrasion-resistant fabrics used in outdoor apparel and equipment.

- Invista’s advanced polymer technologies have enabled it to produce new, more sustainable materials for a variety of applications.

- The company’s proprietary production processes have helped it to achieve greater efficiency and cost savings.

- Invista’s commitment to research and development has resulted in new products that meet the evolving needs of consumers and businesses.

4. 全球化战略:Invista在全球范围内拥有广泛的业务网络和生产基地,是一家具有全球化视野的跨国企业。


- Invista has manufacturing facilities in over 20 countries, enabling it to serve customers around the world.

- The company’s global supply chain and logistics capabilities enable it to efficiently manage its operations across different regions.

- Invista’s focus on localizing its operations and developing strong relationships with local partners has helped it to overcome cultural and regulatory challenges in different markets.

- The company’s global sales and marketing teams work together to develop customized solutions that meet the needs of customers in different regions.

- Invista’s commitment to corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices has helped it to build strong partnerships with local communities and stakeholders.

invista的中文翻译为“投资”,读音为 [ɪn'vɪstə]。例句:

1. 我们需要掌握正确的投资策略,才能在市场上获得成功。

We need to master the right investment strategy in order to be successful in the market.

2. 随着公司不断发展壮大,我们需要不断地投资才能保持竞争力。

As the company grows, we need to continuously invest to stay competitive.




例句:KoSa is now part of Koch's Invista unit. (科莎公司现为科赫公司英威达部门的一部分。)


例句:To leverage its global resources and experience, Invista has named Steve Kromer, an Invista senior vice President, as the leader of this core strategy for Invista. (为了利用其丰富的全球资源和经验,英威达任命史蒂夫·克罗默,其资深副总裁,为该项目核心。)


1. Invista expects to begin construction of the plant in 2012 and commence production in phases beginning in 2014. (翻译:英威达预计2012年开始进行厂房建造,2014年初正式投产。)




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