thomerson是什么意思 英文名thomerson的翻译、发音、来源


thomerson是什么意思 英文名thomerson的翻译、发音、来源




例句:Now me, I've got my life with Homer. (我的生活, 现在和Homer联系在一起了)


例句:Flanders: Homer, I don't mean to be a Nervous Pervis but if he falls, couldn't that make your boy a paraplegic aring? (弗兰德斯:荷马,但是如果他掉下来,你的孩子不会瘫痪吗?)


thomerson一般作为名词使用,如在Thomerson([网络] 汤姆森)等常见短语中出现较多。

Thomerson[网络] 汤姆森


1. - G-G-Good morning, Dr. Robertson-son. (翻译:早上好 Robertson -son博士)

2. wheezing as an excuse or grimacing! (翻译:-le, cet imbécile sur son banc!)

3. Don't blame me for your mistakes, Henry. I blame you for Jai's death, and you're going to pay, a son for a son. (翻译:Henry. a son for a son.)

4. Now she killed my son. No, Danny is alive. (翻译:now she killed my son.)

5. But see, I understand, Homer, if she don't see it like that. (翻译:我现在明白了 她是误会我的意思 都是我的错)

6. Berg, I don't mean to distract you, but we're meant to study Homer, not Sophie. (翻译:伯格,我不想打断你 们要学习的是荷马,不是苏菲)

7. In front of his wife, his son. (翻译:In front of his wife, his son.)

8. - We all recognised the Morel son. (翻译:- 我们都认识the Morel son.)

9. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

10. The best antiquaries have now confuted Homer. (翻译:最好的考古学者已经将荷马驳倒了。)

11. Are you not the seventh son of a seventh son? (翻译:你真的是第七子的第七子? Are you not the seventh son of a seventh son?)

12. To be separated from her only son. (翻译:To be separated from her only son.)

13. And I'm telling you I didn't do it. (翻译:- because he was your son... - Jack --)

14. And I wanted to see -- I want to dedicate this film to my father, Homer. (翻译:我想看到—— 我想要将这部短片献给我的父亲,Homer。)

15. If you don't want to have this baby, Homer and I will take you to a place. (翻译:如果你不想有这个孩子 荷马和我会带你去一个地方)


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