spirals是什么意思 spirals的中文翻译、读音、例句


spirals是什么意思 spirals的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:'spirals'指的是螺旋形或螺旋状的事物,可以是实体的或抽象的。在数学中,'spirals'天然地连接了无限远和无限近,以及规律与混沌的概念。在艺术中,螺旋形的线条有着优美的美学效果,常被用作装饰设计的元素之一。在语言中,'spirals'也可能涉及到某种逐渐加深的演变过程,比如说思想、情感、和行动等等。


- The staircase in the museum has a beautiful spiral shape.

- The galaxy is made up of countless spirals.

- The artist used spirals to make the painting more dynamic.

- The company's financial situation spiraled out of control.

- The story spirals into a dark tale of revenge and betrayal.

2. 词源:'spiral'源自于拉丁语的'spiralis',意为螺旋的。它的词根'spir-'代表着“转动”、“旋转”的意义。在英文中,'spiral'这个单词早期的用途是用于形容螺旋形的优美之处。


- The spiral shell has fascinated people for centuries.

- The spiral staircase was a popular feature in medieval castles.

- The spiral galaxy is one of the most beautiful sights in the universe.

- The ancient Greeks used spirals as a decorative motif.

- The DNA molecule has a double-helix spiral structure.

3. 应用:'spirals'在各个领域都有着广泛的应用。在科学和技术领域,螺旋形常常涉及到机械结构、流体力学、电磁学、天文学等等。在文艺和哲学领域,螺旋形则是一个富有启示性的概念,可以用于表达人类的思想、情感、信仰等等。


- The turbine uses spirals to convert the energy of steam into motion.

- The seashell's spiral structure helps it move through the water.

- The coil of wire has a spiral shape that allows it to conduct electricity.

- The movie explores the spirals of addiction and recovery.

- The philosopher used the spiral as a metaphor for the human journey of self-discovery.


- The tornado forms a menacing spiral in the sky.

- The seagulls flew in a tight spiral, their wings almost touching.

- The snail leaves a trail of spirals as it moves along the ground.

- The artist drew a spiral in the sand, then watched the waves wash it away.

- The price of the stock spiraled downward, causing panic among investors.





1. The seashell had beautiful spirals on its suce.


2. The water in the sink spirals down the drain.


3. The tornado formed a dangerous spiral that destroyed several homes.





例句:My work spirals from the micro to the macro level, excavating hidden histories. (我的工作从微观层面 提升到宏观层面, 挖掘隐藏在背后的故事。)


例句:For another, the clouds don't look like the disheveled spheroidal dwarf galaxies that closely orbit the Milky Way and other major spirals. (另一方面,这些星云看上去并不像结构松散的球状矮星系一样紧紧地围绕银河系和其它主要的漩涡星系的轨道运行。)


例句:Cost effective open design belting using flat strip to form spirals in a rectangular opening joined with straight pins. (用扁条以空心矩形的形状形成螺旋并用直钉固定形成有效的开口设计网带。)


例句:In one of the vast spirals of our own galaxy the Milky Way - the Sun and the Earth five billion years ago, first took the cosmic stage. (翻译:我们银河系内的 一个大漩涡中- 银河-太阳和地球 在50亿年前)


spirals一般作为名词使用,如在Ekman spirals([气象][海洋] 埃克曼螺旋;[气象][海洋] 埃克曼螺线;艾克曼螺旋风层)、family of spirals(螺线族)、flat spirals(平螺旋线,光滑旋管)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ekman spirals[气象][海洋] 埃克曼螺旋;[气象][海洋] 埃克曼螺线;艾克曼螺旋风层
family of spirals螺线族
flat spirals平螺旋线,光滑旋管
inflationary spirals螺旋式上升的通货膨胀;恶性循环的通货膨胀
lamina spirals[电] 螺旋板
sinusoidal spirals正弦类螺线
Herxheimer's spirals[医] 赫克斯海默氏螺旋(皮肤小螺旋纤维)
Perroncito's spirals[医] 佩朗契托氏器(神经复生时的末端线网)


1. Cost effective open design belting using flat strip to form spirals in a rectangular opening joined with straight pins. (翻译:用扁条以空心矩形的形状形成螺旋并用直钉固定形成有效的开口设计网带。)

2. In one of the vast spirals of our own galaxy the Milky Way - the Sun and the Earth five billion years ago, first took the cosmic stage. (翻译:我们银河系内的 一个大漩涡中- 银河-太阳和地球 在50亿年前)

3. Larks were rising in spirals from the ridge. (翻译:云雀在从山脊上盘旋飞升。)

4. At the end of the video, the camera spirals around the building overhead as the broad logo appears on the screen: a lowercase b that wraps around itself in an imitation of the @ symbol. (翻译:在视频的最后,摄像机绕着建筑物盘旋在头顶,很大的标志出现在屏幕上:一个类似于@的符号围绕着一个小写的 b。)

5. Unfortunately, just across the road from it or quite close by is the Column of Marcus Aurelius, and the diameter of the dirigible makes an impression, as you can see, as she starts trying to read the story that spirals around the Column of Marcus Aurelius -- gets a little too close, nudges it. (翻译:不走运的是,路对面刚好就是 马可·奥略留记功柱 你现在知道飞船的直径有多大了 正如你所见,她开始阅读记功柱上环绕的故事 靠得有点太近了,就碰了它一下)

6. It is full of disciplined geometrical figures, concentric rings that circle and counter circle, tables and lists organised in spirals, catalogues arranged on a simplified body of man, (翻译:有规律的几何图形 同心圆 离心圆、表格、旋状目录 以简单一人体为设计的分类)

7. You berieve in true rove and happy endings even while the world around you spirals downward. (翻译:你们总是相信恐怖故事一定有快乐结局 甚至当你们周围的世界开始往下坠落)

8. Monetary inflation spirals inexorably on. (翻译:通货膨胀使物价节节上涨。)

9. The number of petals on a flower is typically a Fibonacci number, or the number of spirals on a sunflower or a pineapple tends to be a Fibonacci number as well. (翻译:一朵花的花瓣数量 一般是一个斐波纳契数, 向日葵的螺旋, 菠萝表面的凸起, 也都对应着某个斐波纳契数. )

10. There's a good chance that it will be torn apart completely within the next million years, when it finally spirals too close to its star. (翻译:不过那对于行星也是一个机会,当它最终近距离绕恒星以螺旋状旋转时,在下一个百万年中,会从中完全的分离出来。)

11. The maze is actually two interlocking spirals. (翻译:这个迷宫实际上是两个连锁的螺旋体。)

12. DBW. jpg A modified variation of balance weave, using two inter-woven spirals. (翻译:是一种采用两个交织螺旋而成的平衡编织改良体。)

13. You see embedded spirals, right, of green, pinkish-orange, and blue? (翻译:你看见的是被嵌入的条纹,绿色,橙红色,还有蓝色,对吧? )

14. Patterns . . . reality is about patterns and duality - god vs. trickster as the spirals of time cycle down. (翻译:模式——有关模式和二元的实相——神与魔术师对比,是向下的螺旋型时间循环。)

15. The appearance uses conical shapes, curves, parabolas, and spirals to replace straight lines and planes. (翻译:外型以锥形、曲线、抛物线及螺旋等各种变化,来取代以往的直线与平面。)




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