lieto是什么意思 lieto的中文翻译、读音、例句


lieto是什么意思 lieto的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 基本含义: 'lieto' 可以动词,表示“欺骗”,“说谎”,也可以作为名词,表示“谎言”。


- He lied to me about his age. (他对我的年龄撒谎了。)

- Don't lie to your parents, it's not worth it. (不要对你的父母撒谎,这不值得。)

- She told him a lie about her whereabouts. (她告诉他一个谎言关于她的下落。)

2. 派生词义: 'lieto' 还可以与其他词缀结合使用,形成一些派生词,如“unlieto”(不说谎),“lietotājs”()。


- She is an accomplished liar, but he is an unlieto person who always tells the truth. (她是一个技艺高超的,但他是一个总是说实话的人。)

- He was caught cheating on the exam, and now everyone thinks he's a lietotājs. (他被抓到在考试中作弊,现在每个人都认为他是一个。)

3. 社交含义:'lieto' 这个词也经常用来形容某些人的行为或者态度,比如表示某人的言语或者行为不真诚或者具有欺骗性质。


- He has a lieto smile on his face, I don't think he's being truthful. (他脸上挂着一个虚伪的微笑,我觉得他不是真诚的。)

- I can sense that he's being lieto, it makes me uncomfortable. (我感觉他在说谎,这让我感到不舒服。)

4. 缩写含义:'LIETO' 也有一些特殊的缩写含义,比如:

- LIETO: Local Inmate Electronic Transfer System,囚犯电子转移系统。

- LIETO: Low Intensity Exercise Training Only,低强度运动训练。


- The LIETO system is designed to keep track of the movement of inmates. (LIETO系统旨在跟踪囚犯的动态。)

- Doctors often recommend LIETO activities to patients with limited mobility. (医生经常建议运动能力有限的患者进行低强度运动训练。)


1. He told me that he loved me, but it was just a lieto. (他告诉我他爱我,但那只是一个谎言。)

2. She lied about her qualifications on her resume. (她在简历上谎报了自己的资历。)


4. The politician was caught in a lieto during the debate. (家在辩论中被揭穿说谎。)

5. The company's lietotājs tactics led to their downfall. (公司的骗术策略导致了它们的衰落。)


1. Siamo lieti di informarvi che avete vinto il primo premio. (我们很高兴地告诉您,您中了一等奖。)

2. Ho passato una serata lieta in compagnia dei miei amici. (我和朋友们度过了一个愉快的晚上。)

3. Questo cibo ha un sapore lieto e leggero. (这种食物口感愉快轻盈。)




例句:Telling a lie as a joke or to fool someone is a harmless type of lie, also known as a jocose lie. (开玩笑或捉弄人般地说谎是无害的谎言,也称为戏虐性的谎言。)


例句:You lie, this goes in your skull. (你要是撒谎 就钻你脑袋 You lie, this goes in your skull.)


例句:But sometimes a lie for a good reason is a good lie. (但是有时候 当撒谎的目的是一个好的目的的时候 这就是一个好的谎言)


例句:♪ Like you do when you lie And I know it's not my imagination (翻译:Like you do when you lie)


lieto一般作为名词使用,如在Lieto([地名] 列托 ( 芬 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Lieto[地名] 列托 ( 芬 )


1. But sometimes a lie for a good reason is a good lie. (翻译:但是有时候 当撒谎的目的是一个好的目的的时候 这就是一个好的谎言)

2. ♪ Like you do when you lie And I know it's not my imagination (翻译:Like you do when you lie)

3. He met our trust with lie after lie. (翻译:我们对他信任无比,他却恩将仇报 He met our trust with lie after lie.)

4. # And quick like a turtle Lie on your back (翻译:# Three steps forward One step back # And quick like a turtle Lie on your back)

5. Okay, so when I said it gets easier to lie, that was a lie. (翻译:我说骗人更容易 Okay, so when I said it gets easier to lie, 其实是骗你的 that was a lie.)

6. Well, then that would be a lie. (翻译:then that would be a lie.)

7. MAN: Dr. Faerstein. KARDASHIAN: (翻译:他能不能躺下 Can he lie down?)

8. Do people wish to lie down with animals? (翻译:人们想和动物吗 Do people wish to lie down with animals?)

9. If we believe Lincoln, this tape is a lie. (翻译:this tape is a lie. -肯定是的)

10. Apparently, the accused parent hired No Lie MRI, headquartered in San Diego with a testing facility in Tarzana, California, to do a brain scan. (翻译:显然,被告父母聘请了No Lie MRI公司进行的大脑扫描。No Lie MRI公司总部设在圣地亚哥,测试设备在加州的Tarzana。)

11. Wow, time sure does lie... (翻译:哇 时间真的会撒谎啊... Wow, time sure does lie...)

12. What sort of way is that for bones to lie? (翻译:为什么有具尸骨躺在路上? What sort of way is that for bones to lie?)

13. What? What lie? Josh, if you're really here, then I know you'll want what is best for us, for all of us. (翻译:What lie? for all of us.)

14. The entry for 'polygraph' is cross-referred to the entry for 'lie detector'. (翻译:词条polygraph有指向词条lie detector的参照项。)

15. And if they wish to lie down with animals? (翻译:如果他们想与动物呢 And if they wish to lie down with animals?)


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