ipm是什么意思 ipm的中文翻译、读音、例句

ipm的中文解释是"有害生物综合治理、害虫综合治理",还经常被翻译为每分钟英寸数,在线发音:[ˌaɪ piː ˈem],ipm常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到75个与ipm相关的释义和例句。

ipm是什么意思 ipm的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:IPM是Integrated Pest Management(综合虫害管理)的缩写。这是一种可持续性的农业管理方法,通过采取多种控制手段防治虫害,包括物理、生物、化学和文化控制方法。


- IPM is a pest management strategy that uses a combination of control methods to minimize the negative impact on the environment.

- The farmer implemented IPM practices on his crops to reduce pesticide use and improve yield.

- The university's horticulture program teaches students about the importance of IPM in sustainable agriculture.

- The government is promoting the adoption of IPM practices to reduce the amount of chemical pesticides used in agriculture.

- IPM involves monitoring pest levels and deciding if and when to use control measures based on actual pest and crop conditions.

2. 物理控制:IPM中的物理控制方法包括利用屏障、陷阱和灭鼠器等防止虫害的入侵或繁殖。


- The fruit orchard installed nets to create a physical barrier to insects and birds.

- The greenhouse used sticky traps to capture and monitor flying pests.

- The farm used a mechanical er to control s instead of herbicides.

- The warehouse employed rodent-proof containers to keep stored products safe from rodent damage.

- The garden used floating row covers to protect plants from pests and harsh weather conditions.

3. 生物控制:IPM中的生物控制方法包括使用天敌和寄生虫等控制虫害的自然敌人。


- The farmer introduced ladybugs to the field to control aphids.

- The vineyard used pheromone traps to attract and trap male moths, reducing their breeding population.

- The greenhouse released predatory mites to control spider mites.

- The garden used nematodes to control soil-dwelling pests.

- The orchard established nesting boxes to attract birds that feed on insect pests.

4. 文化控制:IPM中的文化控制方法包括繁殖周期和作物种植方式等因素的控制,以减少虫害数量。


- The farmer rotated crops to reduce pest populations that thrive on a single crop.

- The nursery planted resistant varieties of plants to reduce pest damage.

- The garden avoided planting host plants for pest insects.

- The farm implemented proper sanitation practices to prevent pest infestations.

- The vineyard pruned gvines to improve air circulation and reduce conditions favorable to disease and pest development.

ipm是缩写,其全称为 "Impressions per minute",意为"每分钟印象数"。它是指通过广告,电视、广播、互联网等媒介展示的广告次数,也就是广告曝光量。它通常是衡量广告营销效果的一种指标。


读音:[aɪ pi: ɛm]


1. 我们公司的广告在上线后,ipm瞬间飙升,获得了很好的宣传效果。

Our company's advertit has achieved good publicity effect with the instant increase of ipm after it was launched.

2. 通过评估广告的ipm,我们可以了解其曝光量,进而调整推广策略。

By evaluating the ipm of the advertit, we can understand its exposure and adjust the promotion strategy accordingly.




例句:Where, the hardware design is composed of DSP and EPM chip design and their peripheral components. (硬件设计主要以DSP和IPM等芯片及其外围元件设计为主。)


例句:So IPM accreditation and training can be combined with the practice of the Chinese business administration. (因此,IPM资质认证与培训可以与中国的工商管理实践结合,既有本土战略又兼具国际视角。)


例句:as a partner organization in the esta program , ipp provides technical support for ipm strategies in production of vegetables and fruits. (作为项目的技术支持机构之一,该所提供蔬菜和水果生产中病虫害综合防治方面的技术支持。)


例句:James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Carolina. (翻译:詹姆斯·弗雷德里克是南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学病虫害研究与教育中心的IPM专家。)


1. as a partner organization in the esta program , ipp provides technical support for ipm strategies in production of vegetables and fruits. (翻译:作为项目的技术支持机构之一,该所提供蔬菜和水果生产中病虫害综合防治方面的技术支持。)

2. James Frederick is an IPM expert with Clemson University's Pee Dee Research and Educational Center in South Carolina. (翻译:詹姆斯·弗雷德里克是南卡罗来纳州克莱姆森大学病虫害研究与教育中心的IPM专家。)

3. The adoption of DSP and IPM has realized the combination of advanced theory and advanced device. (翻译:DSP和IPM 的采用,实现了先进理论与先进器件的结合。)

4. CDC and EPA promote integrated pest management (IPM) for bed bug control. (翻译:疾病防治中心和环保局共同推荐针对臭虫的害虫综合治理的办法。)




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