zapata是什么意思 zapata的中文翻译、读音、例句

zapata的中文解释是"萨帕塔小胡子、人名",在英美地区还有"萨帕塔或译查巴塔"的意思,发音音标为[zə'pɑ:tə; sɑ:'pɑ:tɑ:],zapata来源于英语,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到11个与zapata相关的句子。

zapata是什么意思 zapata的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源:'Zapata'来自于西班牙语,是指一种特殊的靴子,主要用于马术运动。

例句:My cousin wears Zapata boots when he competes in horseback riding events.(我表弟参加马术比赛时穿着Zapata靴)

2. 人名:名字,'Zapata'通常指 Emiliano Zapata,是墨西哥家和领袖。他因领导墨西哥的广泛土地而闻名于世。

例句:Emiliano Zapata was a revolutionary leader who fought for the rights of indigenous people in Mexico.(Emiliano Zapata是一位领袖,他为墨西哥土著争取权利而奋斗)

3. 缩写词:'ZAPATA'在航空领域中是指"zero angle of attack pitch attitude",即零攻角俯仰姿态。它是指飞机在没有攻角的情况下,与地面水平的夹角。

例句:The pilot must maintain the ZAPATA pitch attitude during takeoff and landing.(飞行员必须在起飞和着陆时保持零攻角俯仰姿态)

4. 地名:'Zapata'是美国得克萨斯州和拉丁美洲其他一些国家的一个地名,通常指一些城市、省份、县和村庄。

例句:I live in Zapata County, Texas, where the beautiful Choke Canyon Reservoir is located.(我住在得克萨斯州的Zapata县,那里有美丽的Choke Canyon水库)

5. 词语在音乐和文学中的使用:'Zapata'是许多歌曲、电影和文学作品中的主题,通常象征着墨西哥的和反压制运动。

例句:The song "Zapata Se Queda" celebrates the legacy of Emiliano Zapata and the Mexican Revolution.(歌曲"Zapata Se Queda"赞美了Emiliano Zapata和墨西哥的遗产)



1. Emiliano Zapata是墨西哥历史上的重要人物之一。

Translation: Emiliano Zapata is one of the important figures in Mexican history.

2. Zapata的与领袖Pancho Villa合作推翻了墨西哥。

Translation: Zapata's army collaborated with revolutionary leader Pancho Villa to overthrow the dictatorship government in Mexico.

zapata在中文中有"萨帕塔、沙柏达"的意思,还经常被翻译为萨帕塔半岛,在线读音是[zə'pɑ:tə; sɑ:'pɑ:tɑ:],zapata常被用作名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到80个与zapata相关的例句。



例句:Reade and Zapata are en route. (Reade和Zapata已经上路了 Reade and Zapata are en route.)


例句:Wow, Robert Rodriquez has signed on to do a remake of Viva Zapata! (哇,罗伯罗瑞杰已经签约要 跟哈维还有鲍伯)


例句:The government has rounded on the European Union, which expressed its dismay at Mr Zapata's death. (欧盟对萨帕塔的死表示诧异,古巴对此进行指责。)


例句:Zapata, you stay street-side, keep your eyes on Jane. (翻译:Zapata 守着街道 Zapata, you stay street -side, 保护好Jane keep your eyes on Jane.)


zapata一般作为名词使用,如在Emiliano Zapata(萨帕塔)、Zapata County([地名] 萨帕塔县 ( 美 ))、zapata moustache(ph. 1)等常见短语中出现较多。

Emiliano Zapata萨帕塔
Zapata County[地名] 萨帕塔县 ( 美 )
zapata moustacheph. 1
Zapata mustacheZapata mustache\n= Zapata
Zapata rail[网络] 沼泽秧鸡
Zapata rails[网络] Zapata轨道
Zapata sparrow[网络] 萨帕塔鹀;鸟类
Zapata sparrows[网络] Zapata麻雀
Zapata wren[网络] 扎巴鹪鹩


1. The government has rounded on the European Union, which expressed its dismay at Mr Zapata's death. (翻译:欧盟对萨帕塔的死表示诧异,古巴对此进行指责。)

2. Zapata, you stay street-side, keep your eyes on Jane. (翻译:Zapata 守着街道 Zapata, you stay street -side, 保护好Jane keep your eyes on Jane.)

3. Special Agents Weller, Zapata, and Reade insisted. (翻译:Weller特别探员 Zapata和Reade都坚持要你加入 Special Agents Weller, Zapata, and Reade insisted.)

4. Zapata, can you get us onto that computer? (翻译:Zapata 你能登进这台电脑吗? Zapata, can you get us onto that computer?)

5. Julio Zapata lived with his mother and his sister. (翻译:Julio Zapata和他的母亲和姐姐一起住.)

6. Zapata... you in the control room? (翻译:Zapata... 你在监控室吗? Zapata...)

7. Weller and Zapata are heading to the ranger station. (翻译:Weller和Zapata在朝护林站赶过去 Weller and Zapata are heading to the ranger station.)

8. In the defence I appreciate so much Zapata, if they sign him is a great deal. (翻译:防守我比较欣赏萨帕塔,如果签下他那将是比好交易。)

9. Weller and Zapata have been out there a long time. (翻译:Weller和Zapata已经离开很长了 Weller and Zapata have been out there a long time.)

10. Columbus, he related, had drifted into a "tangled archipelago" of cays off the Zapata Peninsula of Cuba in 1494. (翻译:他讲道,1494年,哥伦布在古巴萨帕塔半岛不小心陷入了一片乱麻般的珊瑚礁群。)

11. Teresa Zapata told her family the unthinkable; she was going to work in the United States. (翻译:特雷莎·扎帕塔告诉了那件她的家人很难想像的事实,她打算到美国工作。)

12. It seems as if there will be an air of change weeping through Vinovo as the club are also allegedly keen on Udinese stopper Cristian Zapata. (翻译:看样子似乎是“沃的空气将会改变”俱乐部同时也在关注乌迪内斯的后卫赞帕塔。)

13. Zapata, far right. Clear that. (翻译:Zapata 你去右边 查那几家 Zapata, far right.)

14. Reade, Zapata, go around the back. (翻译:Reade和Zapata 绕到后面去 Reade, Zapata, go around the back.)

15. Zapata helped Udinese finish fourth in last season's Serie A and he still has two years left on his contract at the Stade Friuli. (翻译:上个赛季的意甲联赛萨帕塔帮助乌迪内斯爬到了联赛第四名,而他和弗里乌利球场的合同还有两年到期。)




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