paddington是什么意思 paddington的中文翻译、读音、例句


paddington是什么意思 paddington的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Paddington是一个地名,指位于伦敦市的一个行政区。也是一只熊的名字,指英国作家迈克尔·邦德(Michael Bond)所创作的小说《熊出没记》中的主角,即住在伦敦Paddington车站旁边的一只来自秘鲁的小棕熊。

2. 词性:Proper Noun(专有名词)

3. 词组搭配:Paddington station(帕丁顿车站)

4. 短语:没有相关短语

5. 发音拼写:['pædɪŋtən]


1. I'm going to take a train from Paddington station to Bristol tomorrow.(我明天要从帕丁顿车站坐火车去布里斯托尔。)

2. Paddington Bear is such a cute and lovable character.(《熊出没记》中的帕丁顿熊是一个非常可爱和讨人喜欢的角色。)

3. The Paddington area is known for its beautiful parks and gardens.(帕丁顿区因其美丽的公园和花园而闻名。)

4. We went to a Paddington-themed restaurant and had the most delicious marmalade toast.(我们去了一家以帕丁顿为主题的餐厅,吃到了最美味的柑橘酱烤面包。)

5. My nephew loves reading Paddington Bear stories before bedtime.(我侄子喜欢在睡前读《熊出没记》中的帕丁顿熊故事。)




1. Paddington是一个非常可爱的电影,你一定会喜欢。

2. 我小时候最喜欢看Paddington的卡通片。

3. Paddington站在伦敦车站的月台上,等待他的下一个冒险。




例句:Well, if you want your book of payoffs back, be at Paddington Station in person tomorrow 11 am, platform 1. (好吧 既然你想要拿回你的账本 明天上午11点一个人来 帕丁顿站一号月台)


paddington一般作为名词使用,如在Paddington Bear([网络] 帕丁顿熊;柏灵顿宝宝熊;巴丁顿熊熊家族)等常见短语中出现较多。

Paddington Bear[网络] 帕丁顿熊;柏灵顿宝宝熊;巴丁顿熊熊家族


1. Thee taxi comes with a "memory foam" mattress, pillow, duvet, a bedside lamp and a Paddington Bear teddy. (翻译:这辆出租车配有“记忆海绵”床垫、枕头、羽绒被、床头灯和帕丁顿泰迪熊。)

2. - I tracked him to Paddington. (翻译:- 我一路跟他到了帕丁顿站 - 很好 - I tracked him to Paddington station.)

3. What is going on in there? (翻译:Paddington? What is going on in there?)

4. Now I don't know if you heard of the Paddington crash but there diesel tanks rupture, and when sparks ignited the diesel a fireball swept through the length of the train. (翻译:简 听我说 我不知道你是否听说过派廷顿的车祸 但是如果柴油箱被点燃的话 火球会蔓延到整列列车的)

5. Paddington, tell us what really happened. (翻译:帕丁顿 告诉我们 Paddington, tell us what really happened.)

6. Tell you what, Paddington. (翻译:跟你说啊 帕丁顿 Tell you what, Paddington.)

7. - The gentleman dropped his wallet! (翻译:- Oh, Paddington! - The gentleman dropped his wallet!)

8. Suspect entering train depot... north of Paddington. (翻译:嫌疑犯走进了火车仓库... 帕丁顿北面.)

9. Both of them are crackers. The Night Riviera runs southwest from London's Paddington Station and keeps going until it runs out of land at Penzance in Cornwall. (翻译:西南方向的里维埃拉夜车从伦敦帕丁顿车站出发,到康沃尔的彭赞斯驶出陆地进入过海隧道。)

10. If you want to commute from Henley to the City, you need one British Rail ticket to Paddington and then an Underground ticket to the Bank. (翻译:如果你想在亨里和伦敦间往返 If you want to commute from Henley to the City, 得买张火车票到帕丁顿 you need one British Rail ticket to Paddington 再买张地铁票到银行 and then an Underground ticket to the Bank.)

11. And when I first met Paddington, I wanted nothing to do with him. (翻译:我第一次见到帕丁顿时 我希望与他毫无瓜葛 And when I first met Paddington, I wanted nothing to do with him.)

12. Next stop: Paddington Station. Change here for the Bakerloo line. (翻译:下一站 帕丁顿站 乘客们请在此转乘贝克鲁线)

13. He has to be under the main clock Paddington Station, 11 am, or no deal. (翻译:他必须得在十一点站在帕丁顿站的大钟 不然协议就作废)

14. - Mr Curry, this is Paddington. (翻译:- Mr Curry, this is Paddington.)

15. Paddington and Time Lord are closing in. (翻译:帕丁顿和时间领主正在彼此靠近 时间领主: 英国经典国民科幻剧Dr.)


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